  • September 27, 2024
  • 4 min read

What's new with Evervault?

As promised in our Payments launch in May, we are committed to a building our product to better serve securing payments and financial data. As well as enhancing our core encryption product and primitives, we’ve launched several payment specific extensions (3DS, Network Tokens & Card Account Updater) with full interoperability to our core product.

Check out all our new products and features we’ve released to make world-class data security effortless.

Payments Extensions

3D-Secure, modern and performant

We just released Evervault 3D-Secure—a universal API for 3DS authentication that works independently of your payment processor. Our 3DS product is incredibly easy to integrate, highly reliable and distills the 3DS authentication process into two simple steps.

Read our docs to learn more and get started.

Network Tokens, made easy

This summer we launched the easiest on-ramp to Network Tokens. You can create and use network tokens in minutes with Evervault’s streamlined APIs. Avoid payment gateway lock-in and time-consuming direct integrations with card networks. Learn more about network tokens and get started in our docs.

Card Account Updater

We now offer Card Account Updater — a service typically only offered by major card networks to automatically update card-on-file details. Card Account Updater ensures that merchants always have the latest card information (like updated card numbers and expiration dates) for their customers. Using Card Account Updater to manage card details offers several advantages over relying on customers to update their information:

  • Improved authorization rate
  • Seamless customer experience
  • Reduced operational overhead
  • Improved customer retention

Evervault provides a set of easy-to-use APIs designed to let you integrate Card Account Updater in minutes without having to interact directly with the card networks.

Reach out to us to get a demo or read our docs to get started.

PCI Restricted Apps

We’ve designed and launched a restricted version our apps, built for teams who want to keep PCI DSS scope and compliance overhead to a minimum, while still being able to take full advantage of cardholder data processing.

If your app needs to comply with PCI, it will be designated as a PCI restricted app. This automatically applies additional security measures and features to your app, minimizing your PCI scope as much as possible.

  • The Evervault Decrypt API is unavailable for PCI restricted Apps.
  • Functions in PCI Restricted Apps undergo regular “internal"vulnerability scans.
  • PCI Functions have fixed IP addresses, ensuring third parties that traffic originates solely from Evervault’s secure infrastructure.
  • Function response payloads are checked for any potential exfiltration of sensitive PCI data.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is enabled by default on the Evervault Dashboard.

Reach out to compliance@evervault.com if you have questions regarding PCI restricted Apps.

Primitives Enhancements:

Our core primitives — Relay, Functions, Enclaves, and UI Components — have also received some love the past couple months .

  • Due to recent changes in the core authentication logic, Relay is 20% faster.
  • UI Components now support UATP cards!
  • UI components can now be configured to only accept card numbers from certain brands by passing the brand identifier to the Card component.
  • Debugging Functions just got easier — Functions now produce execution logs for initialization and timeout errors. If you accidentally deploy a Function with a missing dependency, or your Function exceeds its max execution time, you’ll now be able to see your execution logs.
  • Functions can now be run async — if you have a long running, asynchronous task, you can schedule it to run in a Function, and receive the result via webhook.
  • Enclaves deployment webhooks - receive webhook events based on the deployment lifecycle of your Enclave.

DX Improvements:

Introducing Sandbox apps

Sandbox apps allow developers to test Enterprise features like Network tokens, 3DS and Card Account Updater without calling the Card Networks. An app placed in Sandbox mode will simulate responses by returning synthetic data. This allows for rapid prototyping of applications against Evervault APIs without having to worry about cost.

To learn more about how to create a Sandbox Apps and how they differ to regular apps click here.

Small but mighty

Lastly, but not least..ly. We’ve added many ‘quality of DX’ enhancements to make implementing and using Evervault the best.

Evervault's new activity log interface
  • We’ve rebuilt our logging to provide richer, more detailed insight into your traffic, complete with a brand new activity log interface (pictured above).
  • Datadog Integration — Configure your integration with any Evervault primitive, then automatically stream activity logs and metrics to Datadog.
  • SAML Support - we have it now. Enjoy.

Book a demo if you’re interested in learning about any of our new products & features. We’re always happy to evaluate your payment security setup and see if they’re room for improvement.

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